Here I am looking towards the future. Aside from all the anxiety that has been taking place, I'm forcing myself to look down the road and mixing the present with the future: what do I need to do now to get where I want to be then? If I could change one thing about my past it would be that I was more responsible with my money. I wish I would have learned about a savings account earlier on, and upon retrieving the knowledge I wish I would have taken it more seriously in reference to my future. Yet that's where I am at now.
Its that point in mine and Honey's relationship where we need to start thinking, planning, saving towards what we want a little ways down the road. We mutually agree that we prefer to save money for a house rather than renting. After sitting down and budgeting out all of my necessary expenses ie. car payment, car insurance, life insurance, gas etc. I realize now how much easier saving money would be if I would've saved all along and had a jump start. I'm starting at square one and if I want to get any sort of down payment for a house within the next six months-year I'm going to have to start crunching my spending. I'm going to have to opt out on the expensive shampoo I love so much and opt in for the one that may be just as good yet cheaper. In the end, if my car was paid off I would have much more room in my budget but its not due to be paid off till 2015. Which I plan on looking into refinancing maybe getting the payments down due to all the extra money vie already put towards it.
I've had so much anxiety over buying a house lately it's not even funny. When I look into all the costs that we will have to dish out it's almost nauseating. Can Honey and I do it? Of course we can. Its just going to take some time, planning, saving, and dedication.
I've never wanted something so bad in my life and I'm at that point where I will do anything and everything to get where I want to be. So goodbye my expensive makeup, goodbye my random shopping sprees, goodbye my love for iTunes. In the end, I know saving for a down payment will be worth it and now I finally have the drive and dedication to do it.
As long as you want it bad enough you can do it. I'm horrible for saving. I always spend til I'm broke and it's a habit I really need to break now that I have a little one. Plus I want to start buying adult furniture.. not a ratty old couch and my Mom's little kitchen table. So I wish us both luck :p