Saturday, December 24, 2011

my santa is good

First and foremost, my Honey is just too good to me! Last night we decided to exchange Christmas presents being that today we have a full schedule and tomorrow we do as well. So it just sort of made sense to do it last night since I wanted it to be an intimate moment between him and I. What? It's our FIRST Christmas celebrated together!!

My present to him: a new electric razor-he dropped and broke his at the Bike Rally this past summer so I hooked him up with a new one so he could trash the ghetto-rigged one. Also PJ pants-he's just as peculiar as I am, all the way down to his PJs. So when stumbling upon the only type of pj pants he will wear I snagged em! (in hopes that he will retire The Simpsons pjs he's been rocking since we got together). Last but not least I bought him a deep tissue massage at one of our local spas. It's all hes been talking about lately (he's a weight lifter) so I totally pulled that one out of the bag and surprised him. ;)

His present to me: um, lets just say it TOTALLY puts mine to shame. If you have followed me for any time at all then you know all about the dinosaur of a computer I own. Ya know, the one that won't even charge unless you have the cord laying just right? Needless to say it didn't even hold enough GHZ for me to be able to play my beloved game that I had waited months for it to come out only to be devastated. Well Honey, my sweet sweet Honey, decided to hook me up with a new laptop. He's the best :)

Well I have a jammed pack day so I have to go now. Hope everyone has awesome holidays!!


  1. Aww what a sweetheart. You know you have a keeper when he surprises you with something you want AND need. My ex was never that observant at all :p
    I hope you both have a Merry Christmas!


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