Sunday, November 6, 2011

Comic book boyfriend

Honey came home from Dover today and said he needed a nap because he wanted us to go out for drinks with his best friend later this evening. So we laid down for a nap at 5pm, late I know, and woke up at 9pm. We took our shower and upon getting out of the shower we decided that staying in and watching movies was pretty ideal. We're so lame. Lol so here we are at one in the morning wide eyed. Redbox ended up being lame and not having anything that we hadn't seen, obviously staying in and watching movies is a regular for us so we watched the LSU/Bama game and even watch Hocus Pocus on the Disney channel haha.

So now we're laying in bed and as I blog stalk, Honey is watching cartoons based on comic books. Did I ever mention that I have a nerdy comic book boyfriend? Yeah not too many people know this fact. For some reason I find it precious that he gets so into all the Marvel stuff. I'm not big on watching television so it doesn't bother me either way. However, I cant help but to think how much I love him every time I catch him watching cartoons. It highlights one of my favorite characteristics about him: though he's 27, he can still be a little kid. Considering I still get excited over coloring in coloring books I need someone who can still be a kid when need be. :)

With this being said...

1 comment:

  1. Hey I still get excited about coloring books too. I have a few stored away for those really boring days.


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